Difference between Python and CPP
We all know that both C++ and Python are two of the most popular programming languages. Both C++ and Python shares some basic similarities such as Both programming languages are based on the Object-oriented programming (OOPs) concept, both are of high-level language and many other features as well. But they are not only similar to each other.
Both Python and C++ have many differences in them. On the basis of these differences between C++ and Python, one can easily able to make choices that whom language he should go with. In this tutorial, we will talk about all the major differences between C++ and Python and list them out based on some features.
We can choose with which programming language we should go with and which one is suitable for our need according to these differences. But before talking about the differences between Python and C++, let’s first look at the brief of both languages.
What is C++?
C++ is a programming language based of extension C language that is why C++ is also known as C with classes programming language. Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 developed the C++ which is a general purpose and high-level programming build over C language. Object-oriented programming concept or the concept of OOPs was first introduced with the development of C++, therefore C++ is also called as the Object-oriented programming language.
When C++ was developed, it was designed for the purposes such as embedded systems, system programming etc. but now we use it in developing various applications like servers for the e-commerce, desktop applications, SQL or web search, video games and critical-performance applications such as switches of telephone etc performance.
That’s why C++ has become very popular over time and expanded to many fields in the modern programming languages.
What is Python?
Guido van Rossum was the person who developed Python in the year 1991 and similar to C++, it is also the high level and general purpose-based programming language. When the Python was being developed, the main aim while developing it was the simplicity of the language. Python also shares the concepts of OOPs and is one of the powerful object-oriented programming languages.
Python contains some very rich and unique features which makes it very powerful programming language such as indentation that helps in increasing the readability of the code.
Python also have very vast libraries and library functions which makes Python an impactful language over other programming language. Because of the simplicity and powerful nature of Python, it has grown as the one of the most popular choices among programming languages in industry.
According to the IEEE’s top programming language report of the year 2018, Python was declared as the top programming language.
Differences between Python and C++
We have seen the brief of the both languages and gained a basic idea of both the programming languages. Now, we will look at the differences between these two languages and understand how they differ from each other according to features of them.
To list out the differences between Python and C++, we will use some common properties of both the languages as well as some other properties too.
Following are the names of some common properties or feature of both language that we are going to use to list out the differences between these two programming languages:
- Syntax of language
- Speed of language
- Efficiency of language
- Nature of language
- Garbage collection of language
- Compilation of language
- Code of language etc.