Difference between Vision and Mission

Amansingh Javatpoint
4 min readJul 12, 2021


These words are really important for every organisation. Now a day, in fast-paced environment, every organisation must have a clear or pinned statement which is attractive.

There are so many organisation and industries. The competition is very high in every sector. So for looking unique and raising above from the competition, the concept of organization’s vision and mission play a huge role. Every organisation has their vision and mission statements. These statement summarise there principles and goals. So these statements are supremely important. It decides the future growth, and success of organization.

Both of these are the backbone of the company. The company can’t survive without these.

But both of these have different purposes. It is true that there is no directly link between these statements and growth of company.

Meaning of vision:-

The vision signifies the ultimate objective of individual or an organization. It acts as values and principles of an organisation on which their whole strategies and planning revolve. Vision statement is declared about what you want to accomplish in business and life as well.

Every renowned organisation takes their all decisions on the basis of their vision.

If a person or company don’t have any vision about future then the probability of their growth is least.

Why having a vision is so important?

For being successful in a long run having a vision is too essential. Let’s discuss why vision plays so important role in the success of individual or an organisation:

  • Vision provides you direction in business and life as well. Without having a vision, you will feel stuck and loss.
  • Vision is like a road map. Roadmap provide you absolute clarity about the path, similarly vision works.
  • Vision statement is describing the values and work ethics of organization. And without these fundamentals any organisation cannot survive in a long run in any sector.
  • An organisation’s vision helps them to make them different from others. Because in any industry, there are so many competitors.
  • If any organization has a vision and they are constantly working on it, then it will improve their brand value and public relations.
  • By a good vision statement, public can trust their products and services easily. Because it give them a sense of comfort and assurance about brand.
  • The future of organisation is decided by their vision. So it is important to align the vision of employees with the vision of organization.

Features of Vision Statement:-

There are some essential features of vision statement. A well written vision statement must have contains these common features:

  • Vision statement should be very clear, concise and easy to understand.
  • Vision statement should not be any kind of temptation to the public. It should be absolutely natural. And this is the responsibility of every organisation to stick on their vision.
  • Every goals and strategies in enterprise work on the basis of their vision. They don’t care about present consequences.
  • This statement is written in the present tense but it concludes to serve the future of the company. So vision statement always focuses on the future.

Why am I doing this? Where do we want see ourselves in future? Or how do we achieve this?

Vision statement is described about the desirable future position where company want to reach.

Definition of mission:-

The mission is a simple statement that declares the present situation of company and its objectives.

The mission is a blue print of all the actions performed by individual/groups and entire enterprise, in order to achieve the Vision of Organization.

Importance of Mission Statement:-

Why having a mission for an organisation is so important?

Mission are like a baby steps that is taking by every individual in the company to accomplish the final vision.

The mission statement describing about the current goals. Without mission organization have no strategies and tactics to work on it.

It is the short description about an organisation’s purpose and aims. It is also contains a brief introduction about organization and what it does.

Employees are the most important aspect of mission. No mission can accomplish without the workforce.

For achievements, they encourage by appraisal and other promotions.

These encouragements motivate workforce and engage them to give their best in every aspects.

If organization has a mission, then all the employees have the common goals to achieve. And also they all share the resources, ideas and approach to achieve goals.

Features of Mission Statement:-

Here are some important features that should be included in mission statement. These features are given below:

Mission statement is important to focus on the current affairs and challenges. It also includes how to achieve the final goals.

Mission statement describe about organization’s business, their objectives and the mind-set to achieve those objectives.

